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Get Started

You can just start using Gormite with the following commands:

Quick start with Goose

You can start by configuring your own Gormite binary.

Create manually

Gormite works as an external utility, so it doesn’t need to plug into go.mod, and it accepts configs to read mappings from it. To start: 1

Install Gormite 2

go install

Create a gormite.yaml config file under the resources directory 3

gormite: orm: mapping: Entities: dir: pkg/entities

Create your first entity user.go file for migration generation

package entities import "" // Entities can have custom table names // \/ // User "app_user" type User struct { ID int `db:"id" pk:"true"` Email string `db:"email" uniq:"email" length:"180" uniq_cond:"email:(identity_type = 'email')"` Phone string `db:"phone" uniq:"phone" length:"10" uniq_cond:"phone:(identity_type = 'phone')"` IdentityType enums.IdentityType `db:"identity_type" type:"varchar"` Code *string `db:"code" nullable:"true"` FullName *string `db:"full_name" default:"'Anonymous'" index:"index_full_name" index_cond:"index_full_name:(is_active = true)"` IsActive bool `db:"is_active"` } type UserProfile struct { ID int `db:"id" pk:"true"` User *User `db:"user_id"` Age int `db:"age"` }

More info about tags configuration options for the docs can be found here.

You are good to go! Run this command to generate migrations diff

gormite -t goose --dsn "$DATABASE_DSN"


Any tag or tags will be read by Gormite and here you can read it.
Check the source code: for more information.


You can also use reading sources :) to know internal logic of Gormite.


  1. To start.

  2. Install Gormite.

  3. Create a gormite.yaml config file under the resources directory.

Last updated on